February 18, 2010

Kariza dress into something else

Have you heard of Kariza dress?

It's one of that convertible, multi-size wrap dress that you see at mall kiosk.
When we were on vacation in Maui, I bought it, falling into the tourist trap. (Even though I live in Hawaii!)
Looking at those pretty girls demonstrating it at the kiosk, it seemed like the best thing ever!
It was $60, so I did think about it over and over while we were there.
I bought it on the last day of our vacation.
...That was about 5 years ago.

How is it?
...well... it doesn't work. Ok, at least for me.
Maybe because I'm just too small (4'11", 100lbs), but it just seems like too much fabric wrapped around me.
I even modified it, by chopping some of the sides off, so it's a little smaller.
It still didn't work. It jst didn't look right, because it's just a piece of fabric, with no shape!
I kept going back to it every few months, try it on, and sigh... it still doesn't look right!

But I held on to the dress, just because it's a nice fabric (silk), and because it was $60, I just didn't see myself throwing it away.

Ok, long enough intro.

Since I'm getting deep into sewing, I decided to use this fabric to make something else.

This is the Kariza dress.

I had a pattern, New Look #6437 for a camisole style top and a skirt, so I decided to use this.
I've tried this pattern before, but measured it a little off , so the end product was too small/tight for me, that I gave us sewing. (Ok, I used the measurement without wearing a bra... didn't realize that you need a little allowance for the under garments.)

I'm planning to make a skirt with the top piece, and a strap camisole with the bottom piece.
We'll see how it turns out...
I cut the material, and so far so good. :)

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